Sunday 7 June 2009

Summer Holiday - l'France

With a long drive ahead we set out to the l'Argentie area of the french alps on Friday evening through the m25 traffic. Arriving Saturday evening after stopping several to fill the van up with water.

First we checked out the Guisane with good flows.

The second day we cracked the Geronde and the Onde both with good flows again, and plenty of wood in the Onde to remind us why we left the ditch's in the UK.

Day three sore us get out the play boats for a go down the Durance, and to check out the infamous Raboux wave.

The fourth day sore us check out the Guil, which after lots of deliberation we decided it might be a bit to 'ball'zy' for us.

So we had just had a lazy day on the slalom course.

The following day we hooked up with the boys from the white water consultancy for another go on the Guisane follwed by the Fenal, which saw good lines by every one ;-)

After the experience of looking at the Guil we decided that every river was running quite high, so we had another go the Geronde. Then we tryed picking van from the garage after they replaced the water hosing in the engine, it decided to bite me again with the gearbox starting to fall apart, so a call to green flag was made, and another keen Frenchman put my van back together.

We where meet a Lyon with low water but undeterred we got on.

Then the long drive home....

Thank you to Adam Green for the photo's and his input to the blog.
Happy Paddling :)